Em 2018 o álbum mais clássico do Smashing Pumpkins completa 25 anos. E em comemoração, a banda decidiu fotografar novamente sua icônica capa. “Siamese Dream”, segundo projeto lançado pela banda em 1993, reuniu duas meninas sorridentes que viraram marca registrada. As modelos, hoje adultas, refizeram as fotos. Ali Laenger e LySandra Roberts juntas em um ensaio incrivelmente nostálgico.

O vocalista Billy Corgan escreveu no Instagram oficial do Smashing Pumpkins uma linda homenagem às meninas, destacando o forte papel delas na “história do rock”. E a banda aproveitou também para anunciar informações sobre seus próximos shows.

“On such a special day in SP history, I want to take a moment to thank Ali and LySandra, who you might know were the little girls that I stood by and watched have their picture taken some 23 years ago (on what was a perfect LA afternoon). Never realizing that this moment in time would forever tie us, and go on to become such an iconic image in rock history. What’s amazing is their chemistry with one another still leaps through the camera to this day and yet if memory serves they’d never met before that Siamese shoot. Which tells me their coming together, and the beauty that Melodie’s shot captures, of youth and innocence, was meant to be SP’s own, personal lucky star. So thank you thank you thank you Ali and LySandra, we adore you, and having you be a part of today’s launch brings tears to my eyes. For life goes fast, and I can still see you in my mind’s eye wearing crisp white dresses in a stranger’s backyard, looking like little Mother Mary’s, smiling and laughing into the sun.” – @williampcorgan ?: @hellomikeamico

Uma publicação compartilhada por Smashing Pumpkins (@smashingpumpkins) em

Together, again. #SP2018 #siamesedream #smashingpumpkins #new

Uma publicação compartilhada por Smashing Pumpkins (@smashingpumpkins) em